
Jacky Vifer, Vifer Photography, Modefotograf München, München Portrait Fotografie, Werbefotografie München, Modefotografie München, Fashion Photography München, Fashion Photography Munich

„Jacky Vifer is a Munich-based photographer and former art history student who´s focusing on fashion and portrait photography. She gained her first industry experiences during two years of assistant-work at Studio Onlight in Frankfurt. After having moved to Munich in 2016, she began working as a freelance photographer for national & international clients.

With her photography she always attempts to capture the sincere beauty of the subjects in front of her camera. She seeks to depict them in her very own style and is therefore 100% committed to every single photoshoot and its precious details. In 2021 Atelier Vifer opened its doors in Munich, where Jacky is working & creating.“

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